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Russell A. Irving

Hanukkah. The Festival of Lights. A time to remember the miracle which God performed. A time to remember the Maccabees' bravery. A time to celebrate freedom, And, also, a time to celebrate the miracle of life.

Many of us face daily trials and tribulations. For some, the burden is financial. For others, health, divorce, or the death of a loved one brings us great pain and sorrow. The list goes on.

Yet, in the midst of what might be for some the rubble of their lives, there is that lamp. No, not one burning oil, as in the telling of Hanukkah and the Temple, which was laid in ruins... But, one which burns, nonetheless, in our heart. The fire that can provide us with the impetus to strive for more... For better... A fire which can warm our hearts and souls, when we dare to let love in. A blaze that ignites us into action against injustices in our community, locally, or at large. A fire which primes our bodily organs, as the heart pumps blood through our veins. A desire to be healthy. And, perhaps the impetus to do what we can towards achieving that goal.
And, that inner lamp shines and connects us with the Divine. Allowing us to be open to seeing all of God's wonders. To hear, clearly, His commandments and teachings. To give thanks to God for His blessings, through our daily prayers, be they spoken or silent, our own, or those fashioned by our Jewish brethern. Each and every frosty, winter breath, every opportunity to take a step, every pain which we dreadfully experience is a miracle in itself. A representation of a gift from God: the gift of life. - Our ancestors certainly were saddened and upset by the state of the Temple, as they sought to rebuild it. Yet, these brave folks also realized how blessed that they were to have a temple to rebuild, to re-dedicate. So, should we muster the spirit within us to maintain that inner flame, with God's blessings and his guidance.

Look around you! Look past the shallow fronts which many of us wear as if they were part of our skin, instead of our clothing. Pay attention to the rush of cold upon your face, to the sunlight slightly warming you, and to the ground upon which you exist. - These are all miracles!
Within us, during this Festival of Lights, may we marvel at and take comfort in God's blessings and the opportunities to rebuild our bodies, minds, and spirits, while reaching out to others. Then, might we truly understand the sense of awe felt by our brethern, so many years ago.





They provide us with so much.

Warmth. - We take for granted the comfort in our homes, our cars, our places of employment. Our fireplaces, wood burning stoves, central heat, gas or oil burners. - We have at least one set of clothes for each season and for the myriad types of occasions that we get invited to. - Summer barbecue pits and hawaiian style torches. - Yet, too many of our neighbors deal with the choice of paying to heat their apartment or home and paying for medicines or food. Too many, including children, shiver in their homes or on the streets, because they do not own a coat, or even a sweater. Broken windows, barely-working radiators, dangerous space heaters, and thin blankets provide some folks with a modicum of warmth.
Yes, lights can warm...

The ability to see our world. - Imagine those who were born blind, or who lost their sight due to war or an accident, or whose vision faded with their age. - We take for granted being able to read books, watch television, pick out furniture, and decide which make-up or hairstyle suits us best.
Yes, lights can allow us to see our world.

A means to use other 'devices'. - How else could we properly use elevators, drive our car, or read & write our emails? - Yet, how many cannot afford to run their lights after dark because of the electricity costs? Or... ?
Yes, lights can allow us to perform our daily routines.

This Hanukah, may the menorah's lights, light our ability to be empathetic and compassionate. So that we may give serious thought to how many of our neighbors' lives are 'fragile'. And, may we take serious action to help change their lives.


Get the Chanukah gelt Recipe and other Free Recipes at


(Sing to Frere Jacque)

Judah Maccabee, Judah Maccabee,
Big and strong, big and strong
He was so very brave,
The temple he did save.
Long ago, long ago.

(Sing to This Old Man)

Hanukkah, oh what fun!
Spin your dreidles everyone.
Twirling dreidles at your feet.
Hanukkah just can’t be beat.

Hanukkah, oh what fun!
Chocolate gelt for everyone.
Peel the foil and eat the treat.
Hanukkah just can’t be beat.

Hanukkah, oh what fun!
Have some Latkes everyone.
Latkes are so good to eat.
Hanukkah just can’t be beat.

Hanukkah, oh what fun!
March like Maccabees everyone.
Hear the sound of marching feet.
Hanukkah just can’t be beat.

Hanukkah, oh what fun!
Light the candles everyone.
See the flames and feel the heat,
Hanukkah just can’t be beat.

(Sing to London Bridge)

Put some latkes on my plate,
On my plate, on my plate.
Put some latkes on my plate.
I can’t wa-it!

(Sing to I’m a Little Teapot)

I’m a little dreidle, short and stout,
Hold my handle and spin me about.
When I get tired watch me drop,
I fall to the floor and then I stop.

Happy Hanukah: Do the Dreidel!

A dreidel (or sevivon in Hebrew) is the essential piece of a game which is commonly played by Jewish children on Hanukah. The dreidel is a four sided spinning top, with a different Hebrew letter on each side.
The exact origin of the dreidel game is uncertain; some scholars maintain that the game goes back to the era of Greek-Syrians, at which time Jews were prohibited from studying Torah (the most important document in Judaism which is revered as the inspired work of God). It is said that the dreidel was used as a decoy to fool the Syrians into thinking they were just playing a game, when in fact they were studying in groups. This is the most popular story of origin, as it is a reminder and celebration of religious freedom,
However, it's more likely that the actual source of the dreidel game is European. Many spinning top gambling games exist in various cultures throughout Europe, and it's likely the dreidel game was an adaptation of another gambling game, such as the German gambling game.
It is customary to play the dreidel game after lighting the Hanukah menorah; the game can be played with two or more participants, and normally takes place with all members of the household present -  young and old - which helps to unite the family and strengthen Jewish identities.
The rules are simple; each player receives an equal amount of chocolate coins (known in Yiddish as 'gelt'). Then each player puts a token into the pot in the centre of the table. Players then take turns at spinning the dreidel and acting upon the result of the spin. The four possible outcomes are:
Nun - player gets nothing; Gimel (Jackpot) - player takes all the chocolate coins from the pot; Hay - player takes half the coins from the pot; Shin - player must put one of their chocolate coins into the pot. If a player runs out of chocolate coins, they are out of the game and the winner is the person left with the most tokens at the end.
Dreidels come in a variety of styles and colours, for example wooden dreidels, Israeli-style dreidels, plastic dreidels, dreidels that can be filled with chocolate, metallic dreidels and even dreidels made out of pure chocolate!
But if you really want to experience the true traditional dreidel game - you should make you own, just like the dreidel song says: "Dreidel dreidel, dreidel, I made it out of clay, and when it's dry and ready, oh dreidel I will play".

Article Source:
About the AuthorAndrew Regan is an online, freelance author from Scotland.  He is a keen rugby player and enjoys travelling.

Finchley Reform Synagogue
Will Light Chanukah Candles, Nightly

Six13 - Chanukah Rights!



This is a great piece of ecumenicalism.
(From the Tualatin Choir)


Hanukkah 2013 Song Maoz Tzur
by Technion Students Israel -
Good Chemistry



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The Maccabeats - Candles on the Sill - Hanukkah

Click here.


Click here.

A gorgeous blue and gold Hanukkah tablescape
(+ DIY menorah!)

Click here.

The Maccabeats - All About That Neis - Hanukkah

Click here.

The Extraordinary and Frequently Overlooked
Message of Hanukkah

Click here.

How to make Israeli shakshuka

Click here.

Potato Latkes Recipe for Hanukkah- Martha Stewart

Click here!

Julie Unger Zorn and Children


Learn how to make sufganiyot,
jelly-filled doughnuts, for Hanukkah!

Hanukkah Traditions and Customs

Hanukkah is a Jewish holiday which is also known as the “Festival of Lights” or the “Feast of Dedication”. The holiday lasts eight days and nights, and commemorates the rededication of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem during the 2nd Century BCE. It is a movable feast, according to the Gregorian calendar (the calendar traditionally used by Western countries and the United Nations), but it always starts on the 25th day of Kislev as designated in the Hebrew calendar.

There are many Hanukkah traditions. Participants celebrate each night of Hanukkah by lighting a special set of candles. The candelabrum is known as the menorah. The Hanukkah menorah is a special nine-branched menorah as opposed to the traditional seven-branched menorah. Eight of the branches represent one night of Hanukkah each. On the first night of Hanukkah, only one of these branches is lit, and then each night, one extra candle is lit until all eight are aglow on the last night of the festival. The other branch of the menorah is known as the Shamash, which translates as “attendant”. This branch is usually slightly raised or set away from the other branches and is used to help light the other candles or provide light for the room, as it is forbidden to use the Hanukkah lights themselves. The menorah is not designed to light the inside of the house, but to help promote the miracle of Hanukkah to others. Many families will place the lit menorah in a visible window or doorway to help publicise Hanukkah and Hanukkah traditions.

There are many different styles and designs of menorah available and most Jewish culture museums will have a variety on display. There are also large public menorahs on display in many world cities with large Jewish populations. The lights themselves can be oil lamps or candles. Electric lights are also permitted for use in places where oil or naked flames are not allowed.

Hanukkah is not treated like the Sabbath, when it is forbidden to work. Believers are not expected to take days off work or school over the festive period, but they may be required to leave early in order to be home before nightfall, when the lighting of the candles takes place.

Whilst the candles are being lit, the traditional hymn Hanerot Halulu is recited and the hymn Ma’oz Tzur is sung. Many families also sing additional Hanukkah songs or recite relevant psalms once the candles have been lit. Additional prayers or blessings may also be added to the usual daily prayer routine. It is also a Hanukkah tradition in many homes in America or Israel to exchange small gifts after the lighting of the candles. These gifts can include books of traditional Jewish stories or small games such as traditional Dreidel spinning tops.

Traditional Hanukkah foods are often fried or baked in oil to commemorate the special role played by the small flask of oil which miraculously helped to keep the flame of the temple alight for eight days. These foods include sweet foods such as jam filled doughnuts and fritters or savoury foods such as potato latkes.

Hanukkah traditions are sacred as well as fun. They help to remind Jewish worshipers of the miracles of Hanukkah and help to explain the story to people of other religions.


Beautiful and Simply Incredible Hanukkah Music!

Nefesh Mountain |
Hanukkah's Flame by Woody Guthrie

Kyra Goldman Hanukkah Music Video -
Nes Gadol Haya Sham

Nefesh Mountain |
The Hanukkah Dance by Woody Guthrie

Sesame Street: Hanukkah With Veronica Monica

Hanukkah Song 2015 - Fighting The Darkness


Six13 - Chanukah (Shake It Off)


Cake Doughnuts

  • 2 eggs
  • 2/3 cup sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 3-1/4 flour
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 2/3 cup milk
  • 1/2 stick butter -- melted
  • Vegetable oil -- for deep-frying
  • Honey or Chocolate Glaze (recipes follow)
    or confectioners' sugar or cinnamon-sugar

    In a large mixing bowl beat eggs, sugar and vanilla until thick and smooth. In another bowl combine flour, baking powder, spices and salt. Whisk together milk and butter. Add flour mixture and milk mixture alternately to egg mixture, in about 3 additions of each, stirring to form a firm dough. Roll out dough 1/2- inch thick. Use a doughnut cutter or 3-inch biscuit cutters to cut out doughnut shapes.

    Heat oil in a deep-fryer to 360° F. Fry doughnuts, in batches, turning them several times, until golden all over. Using a slotted spoon remove doughnuts to a rack set over a baking sheet to drain. If using Honey Glaze, immediately spoon over hot doughnuts, letting excess drain onto sheet below.; if using Chocolate Glaze, allow doughnuts to cool slightly first. Or let doughnuts cool and dredge in confectioners' sugar or cinnamon-sugar.

Yield: 1-1/2 dozen Doughnuts


  • 4 ounces semisweet chocolate, chopped
  • 3 tablespoons butter
  • 1-1/2 cups sifted confectioners' sugar

    In heavy-based saucepan or in top of double boiler, melt chocolate with butter. Whisk in sugar, a little at a time. Whisk in about 3 tablespoons water to thin sauce to glazing consistency. Use immediately or keep warm until ready to use.

Yield: enough to glaze about 1-1/2 Dozen Doughnuts


  • 1/2 cup confectioners' sugar
  • 1/2 cup honey
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla

    In a mixing bowl whisk sugar with honey and vanilla to a maple sugar consistency. Add about 3 tablespoonfuls hot water, a spoonful at a time, until thinned to glazing consistency.

Yield: enough to glaze about 1-1/2 Dozen Doughnuts

Six13 - A Hamilton Chanukah
(introduced by President Barack Obama)

The Maccabeats - Latke Recipe - Hanukkah

"Hanukkah" Music Piano Medley

Hanukkah - Dreidel -
music video by Jewish a cappella group Shir Soul -
Happy Hanukkah!

Vegan Potato Latkes Recipe -
Vegan Hanukkah Jewish Holiday

Hanukkah Song Mashup - Dance Spectacular! -
Elliot Dvorin | Key Tov Orchestra

Hanukah Around The World

Hanukkah Song -
Adele Parody by Ash Soular

The Maccabeats -
All About That Neis - Hanukkah